
KMF VIMUL Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 40 Junior Technician, Extension Officer Posts

KMF VIMUL Recruitment 2023

Apply for 40 Junior Technician, Extension Officer vacancies. KMF Vijayapura & Bagalkot District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd invited applications from eligible and interested candidates to fill up Junior Technician, Extension Officer Posts through KMF VIMUL official notification March 2023. Job seekers who are looking for a career in Vijayapura – Bagalkot Government can make use of this opportunity. Interested candidates can Apply Online on or before 25-Apr-2Here

KMF VIMUL Vacancy Notification

  1. Organization Name: KMF Vijayapura & Bagalkot District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd (KMF VIMUL)
  2. No of Posts: 40
  3. Job Location: Vijayapura – Bagalkot
  4. Post Name: Junior Technician, Extension Officer
  5. Salary: Rs.21400-97100/- Per Month

KMF VIMUL Vacancy Details

Post Name & No of Posts

  1. Assistant Manager - 06
  2. Technical Officer - 02
  3. Extension Officer Grade-3 - 08
  4. Chemist Grade-2 - 03
  5. Junior System Operator - 03
  6. Administrative Assistant Grade-2 - 02
  7. Marketing Assistant Grade-2 - 02
  8. Junior Technician - 08
  9. Milk Couriers - 06

KMF VIMUL Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Details

KMF VIMUL Qualification Details

Post Name & Qualification

  1. Assistant Manager - B.V.Sc
  2. Technical Officer - B.Sc, B.Tech (DT).
  3. Extension Officer Grade-3 - Any Degree
  4. Chemist Grade-2 - B.Sc
  5. Junior System Operator - B.Sc, BCA
  6. Administrative Assistant Grade-2 - Any Degree
  7. Marketing Assistant Grade-2 - B.Com, BBA
  8. Junior Technician - SSLC, ITI
  9. Milk Couriers - SSLC

Age Limit

  • As per the KMF Vijayapura & Bagalkot District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd Recruitment Notification, Candidate should have a minimum age of 18 years and Maximum of 35 years, as on 25-Apr-2023.

Age Relaxation

  1. SC/ST/Cat-I Candidates: 05 years
  2. Cat-2A/2B/3A & 3B Candidates: 03 years

Selection Process

  1. Written Test
  2. Interview

KMF VIMUL Salary Details

Post Name & Salary (Per Month)

  1. Assistant Manager - Rs.52650-97100/-
  2. Technical Officer - Rs.43100-83900/-
  3. Extension Officer Grade-3 - Rs.33450-62600/-
  4. Chemist Grade-2 - Rs.27650-52650/-
  5. Junior System Operator - Rs.27650-52650/-
  6. Administrative Assistant Grade-2 - Rs.27650-52650/-
  7. Marketing Assistant Grade-2 - Rs.27650-52650/-
  8. Junior Technician - Rs.21400-42000/-
  9. Milk Couriers - Rs.21400-42000/-

Important Dates

  1. Start Date to Apply Online: 24-03-2023
  2. Last Date to Apply Online: 25-Apr-2023
  3. Last Date for Payment of Fee: 26-Apr-2023

KMF VIMUL Notification Important Links

  1. Official Notification pdf: Click Here
  2. Apply Online: Click Here
  3. Official Website: Click Here


  1. For any Technical issues, Contact Helpline Number: 8867031693
  2. For other Details, Contact Mobile Number: 8884441398/8884447318


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